Flash Fiction

Life is an endless road.
“Forget, move on,”they said.
But they do not see what is infront of me

He stared at me, outside the window. He wore a grim smile. I panicked as I called the flight attendant.

I said I’d make him proud. He did not smile. He couldn’t. I said goodbye. He couldn’t say anything more.

Day came, rays of light shining through, giving the forest a warm, serene glow as his lifeless body went cold.

The sign above the door made them pause.
It said ‘Enter all who dare, none will ever leave’. They left.

The king decays, silver plate for his head. Widows weep, children cry. The horsemen’s song of lies, took countless lives.

An escape from the orphanage turned ‘farm’, trying to find a way out while hiding from them. WE.WILL.LIVE.

The chanting was deafening; flashlights blinded me. The air was pungent with sweat and booze. Happy birthday to me.

‘Don’t come any closer!’ she exclaimed. It’s menacing look and dark silhouette shortened as its footsteps approached me. ‘Ahh, cockroach!’

Demons spoke louder than the love they had. They bid farewell with a red string tied around their scarred wrist.

Arms of an angel embraced me with grace, wings of darkness sprouted out of her back. What a beautiful sight.

I walked into a dark alley. Suddenly, I felt something touching me. A dark figure appeared. “Follow me,” he said.

Jane was locked in her room, grounded by her mother. The shadow in the corner was staring at her, laughing.

Someone asked me if i knew you. Memories flashed across my mind but i smiled and said “I used to”.

Groaning in pain. It felt as if a knife poked my eyes. Sighing, I should not have worn contacts today!

One loved and one lied. I am the monster yet I was her prey. What exactly are you, my love?

A man was backpacking through the woods when a humanoid ran up behind him. Then everything fell cold and silent.

It was their last day. She confessed her love, but he just stood there. “Thanks, you made me a laughing stock.”

“I’ll go get ice cream. Wait here, ok? I’ll be back soon.” It has been four years. I’m still waiting.

Mother shouted: “Come downstairs!” I went, but the same voice from the adjacent room said “Stop, I heard it too.”

Today I gave my seat to an old woman. That’s how I actually lost my job as a bus driver.

Happy times gone
She stood, casket side
Last in line
Lowering the knife down, smiling
As his body started decaying.

The moonlight shone brightly,
Mildred sense something.
He stared intensely, eyes filled with hatred
Everything before her turned black.